On November 4th, I will celebrate my 5th year living alcohol free! 1825 trips around the sun without a Markers Mark & Diet 7 before dinner, glass of red zin with a plate of homemade spaghetti, Old Fashioned with a good ole Wisconsin Friday Night Fish Fry, or any of the countless craft IPAs that are now flooding the market that I normally would have had around the fire at our cabin, or out at concert, sporting event, or show. Not even a champagne toast at my niece’s wedding or at my husband and my 25th wedding anniversary dinner.
Did the thought ever cross my mind? Of course. I’d be lying if I said it never did.
Did I miss it? No, honestly, I really didn’t.
Would I ever go back to it? Hell no! My life is SO MUCH BETTER. Why go backwards?!?!!!
Making the decision to live alcohol-free has been the most powerful, life-changing choice I have ever made. The countless benefits like better health, clearer skin, improved sleep, better relationships, etc. far outweigh any challenges I encountered when initially going alcohol-free.
Frankly, it’s intangible benefits that aren’t seen, but are felt internally, that far outweigh any supposed benefits I thought I was getting when I drank all those years. It's an indescribable feeling that comes with living alcohol free. Life feels more like a sensory-filled explosion that results from things like the activities I enjoy more, the courage to explore new kinds of experiences and the untapped sides of myself, the desire to be more creative, the clarity of thought I bring to each decision, the presence of authentic self I bring to every beloved relationship and each encounter with a stranger. It’s the way I experience the brilliance of sunrise at 5:00 am…it’s all those, and so many other intangibles that are hard to describe and best summarized in a word for me – Freedom.
My body and my mind are free – free to be fully present. Fully alive.
Today, I live AFreeLife.
Today, I confidently say Hell NO to ethanol in a glass regardless of its flavor or the circumstance! What a gift!
All that said, it seems appropriate on this 5-year milestone to come clean with you about this journey. While all the touted benefits do come to fruition, there are also challenges that don’t always get mentioned. So, whether you’re new to this journey or have been alcohol-free for a while, here are five things to know about living without alcohol.
1. Social Situations Might Feel Awkward…But They Get Easier
For many people, one of the most challenging aspects of going alcohol-free is the initial awkwardness in social settings. Frankly, it’s why many of us drank. So, I’m not going to lie, the first time, or times, you attend a party or gathering without a drink in hand, you may feel out of place or hyper-aware. This is completely normal and part of the adjustment period.
The Good News: over time, your confidence grows. You will find new ways to engage socially without relying on alcohol as a social lubricant. Don’t sell yourself short. You may not be the best conversationalist, but focus on asking others about themselves, and eventually that awkwardness subsides and you find being fully present leads to more meaningful conversations and connections.
2. Your Sleep Will Improve…But Your Dreams Might Get Weird
Many people notice better sleep quality when they stop drinking. Alcohol’s impact on sleep quality has been studied by many experts. Very simply, alcohol disrupts REM sleep, which is essential for feeling rested, so cutting it out can lead to more restful nights. However, an unexpected side effect for some people is the experience of vivid, sometimes bizarre dreams. When you remove alcohol, your body adjusts by catching up on REM sleep, which can lead to an increase in dream intensity.
The Good News: This effect is temporary for most people, but it can be surprising at first. Several of my clients have recounted having serious nightmares, but only in the first few days or weeks of taking a break. But ladies, for those of you in peri-menopause or menopause, we may unfortunately need to have a completely different conversation about sleep quantity.
3. You’ll Discover New Ways to Handle Stress (That Actually Work)
Is a drink your go-to at the end of the day? For most of the adult population, alcohol has become a go-to coping mechanism for stress. The truth is it only masks the underlying issues, and, the ironic reality is that alcohol actually increases the release of cortisol, contributing to the stress reaction in your body. So, without alcohol, you’ll need to find new ways to manage stress and emotions, which may feel challenging initially, but is ultimately more emotionally and physiologically rewarding.
The Joy: Living alcohol-free pushes you to explore healthier coping mechanisms, like exercise, meditation, journaling, or even talking openly with friends.
Check out our free Unwind without Wine guide for strategies that don’t just help you in the moment, but which can create lasting resilience and emotional health.
4. Your Relationship with Food Might Change
Many people find that their relationship with food shifts once they remove alcohol from their lives. Alcohol is filled with “empty” calories and sugar, and without it, your body may start craving other forms of energy, like carbs or sweets. This is a common and typically a temporary adjustment as your body recalibrates. Give yourself time to counter the years of reliance on alcohol.
Managing the Challenge: In AFreeLife’s 30 Day Reset program, we explore tips to handle these cravings. Moving your body, staying hydrated, stabilizing your blood sugar, and exploring balanced nutrition (including fruits, and fermented food and drinks) can all help manage cravings and support your overall wellness as your body makes the transition from alcohol-reliant to alcohol-free.
5. You’ll Rediscover (and Redefine) Fun
Lastly, living alcohol-free can shift your perspective on what “fun” means. For many of us, social activities revolve around drinking; so redefining fun can feel daunting at first. However, you’ll soon discover a world of activities that are genuinely fulfilling and don’t leave you feeling drained or regretful the next day.
Unexpected Joy: From morning hikes and art classes to sober brunches and book clubs, you’ll uncover new hobbies and interests that bring authentic joy. Plus, the satisfaction of fully experiencing these activities, without the blur of alcohol, can be profoundly rewarding. Still unsure? Trust me when I tell you more and more people are exploring the gift of an alcohol free life and finding countless ways to find fun.
Choosing an alcohol-free life is a powerful decision, full of unexpected growth, insights, and newfound Freedom, but it’s also a journey full of unexpected twists, both challenging and rewarding. Embrace these new experiences as part of your personal growth. The longer you stay on this path, the more you’ll discover about yourself, your relationships, and what truly makes you happy. Every step you take builds a stronger, more authentic you — embrace the journey, surprises and all!
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Joy Stieglitz is a certified Wellness Coach who specializes in helping sandwich generation people change their relationship with alcohol and/or other unwanted habits to find true freedom and joy in their life. Alcohol Free since November 2019, Joy brings valuable insights into her practice. AFreeLife Coaching is a safe space where all are welcome to explore their desire for health, wellness, and personal growth regardless of where they are or want to go on their journey, and regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or any other social construct. Click here for AFreeLife Coaching, LLC Privacy Policy.
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